We need financial assistance to cover:
- Treatment against diseases such as varroa (not subsidized in the Andalusian), (20 euros for every 5 hives).
- Moving Mountain hives for pollination of high mountain plants and their subsequent displacement in spring countryside areas and vega for pollination in those areas.
- Food and vitamins for them to have reserves in times of scarcity of flowers.
- Purchase of wax to replace the old wax from the hives. (It costs 10 euros a kilo, when we started cost 6 euros a kilo, so each hive takes about 12 euros wax every x time)
- Purchase of new hives to grow our hives. (We had to return the machine with which we did, if we buy in bulk we get more profitable than them and we can spend that time on other things within the apiary).
- Over time, buying a suitable vehicle and ecómico to move the hives from place to place. (We need a small SUV as we are breaking the family car with both racking).
- Appropriate equipment for the processing and packaging of honey. (A simple estractora without motor costs about 400 euros).
Thank you for your help. Not only are helping a family to overcome a long-term project, but are helping to endangered species and your planet as a whole.