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Muñelices MindfulArt

Apoyos al proyecto

En ocasiones, los mecenas apoyan con una cuantía económica que supera el valor de la recompensa escogida. No obstante, la cantidad que mostramos a continuación siempre corresponderá con el valor de la recompensa.

ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 30€
Fernando Hidalgo
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 38€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 38€
Manuela Hidalgo Becerra
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 35€
Kar Mela
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
Manuel Pedraza Pérez
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
Manuel Pedraza Pérez
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 30€
Inma Suanes
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
Manuel Pedraza Pérez
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 35€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
Spco Salone
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 38€
Olga Maria Sanchez Utrilla
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 30€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 35€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 55€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 18€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 18€
Mar Pedraza Sanz
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 18€
Mar Pedraza Sanz
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 18€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 18€
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Escoge tu recompensa
Muñelices: Cards, 10 €
Get the COMPLETE COLLECTION OF CARDS with seven designs Muñelices (Juggler, In the clouds, In the vine, Swinging, Dawn, Estrellada and Meditation).

Don´t miss this reward if you would like to have all seven designs!

In addition, as a courtesy, I will also send:

-A Dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A Muñelices MindfulArt pin.
13 personas han apoyado
Muñelices: Cup 15 €
With this reward, you will receive a beautiful personalized cup with either of these two designs (choose one):

-Muñeliz Juggler.

-Muñeliz Meditating.

In addition, as a courtesy, I will send also:

-A dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A Muñelices MindfulArt pin.
39 personas han apoyado
Muñelices: T, 20 €
With this reward, you will receive a T-shirt (adult) customized with any of these two designs (choose one):

-Muñeliz Juggler

-Muñeliz Meditating.

In addition, as a courtesy, I will send also:

-A dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A Muñelices MindfulArt pin.
28 personas han apoyado
0 de 0 disponibles
Fiesta Muñelices
Invitación a la I Fiesta Consciente Muñelices MindfulArt el 25 de junio en Córdoba para brindar por el éxito de la campaña. En la fiesta podremos disfrutar de:
-Degustación consciente.
-Presentación del proyecto y nuestros patrocinadores.
-Danza transpersonal

Una vez finalizada la campaña, te enviaré como obsequio además una tarjeta dedicada de la colección Muñelices y una chapa.

Lugar de celebración: Chalet "Los girasoles" C/Poeta Paredes 25 14012 Córdoba
Hora: 21h.
0 personas han apoyado
Mindfulness family, 18 €
Experiential workshop 1h 30min for children (from 2 years) performed, accompanied by an adult trained in Mindfulness practices.

I also reward each family with a Muñelices MindfulArt pin.

This is the workshop that you were waiting for! Reserve yours now!
3 personas han apoyado
Enlighten the Self Online, 25 €
Videoconferencing, an hour and a half in which, using various techniques and tools Mindfulness and Education Transpersonal, I will facilitate a reconnection with yourself and your creativity to discover your potential to enable a fuller life.
6 personas han apoyado
Children Pack, 30 €
-School backpack.


Children's T-Shirt (design "Juggler").

In addition, as a courtesy, I will send also:

-A Dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A Muñelices MindfulArt pin.
7 personas han apoyado
Walk Pack, 35 €
-Bag Fabric.

-Shoe Fabric.

(Design: Muñeliz "Juggler").

In addition, as a courtesy, I will send also:

-A Dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A Muñelices MindfulArt pin.
8 personas han apoyado
0 de 4 disponibles
Launch Party Muñelices MindfulArt, 38 € *
Invitation to the presentation party of "Muñelices MindfulArt" which will take place after the campaign to provide friends/supporters with a special cup, I hope you will join me;)

In addition, I will reward with:

-A Dedicated card.

-A Plate.

It will take place in a charming place in Cordova (Spain).
4 personas han apoyado
Enlighten the Self Intensive, 40 €
GROUP WORKSHOP PRESENCIAL a full day, where, through experiential dynamics using techniques of Transpersonal Psychology, Mindfulness and Art Therapy from a holistic perspective (body, mind and emotion), a process of reconnecting with your inner Self and your creativity will be provided.

Participants will also receive a personalized notebook of Muñelices MindfulArt.
In the province of Cordova, Spain.
0 personas han apoyado
Bronze Sponsor ... 50 €
Specially designed for spaces (centers, schools, shops ...) wishing to make a presentation of the project in their own space. In addition to the presentation, representatives will receive a canvas from the collection, a review of their space in the project website (muñelices.com) and social networks.
The reward includes:

-Project presentation in your space (shop, center, school ...).
A print of Muñelices MindfulArt with either of these two designs: "Juggler" or "Meditation" (you choose).

-Review of your space on the project website (muñelices.com) and social networks.
1 personas han apoyado
Meditation Pack, 55 €
If you like yoga or meditation, this is your reward! Take:

-A cushion

-An embroidered blanket

-A T-shirt...

... All personalized with the design Muñeliz "Meditation".

In addition, as a courtesy, I will also send:

-A dedicated card exclusively for you.

-A print with the design Muñeliz "Meditation".
3 personas han apoyado
Enlighten your Self 10, 75 €
Workshop to be held over 10 sessions (one session per week), which will aim to discover yourself, reconnect to life and reactivate your creativity using techniques of Transpersonal Psychology, Mindfulness and Art Therapy from a holistic perspective (body, mind and emotion). (Minimum six person per group).

The participants will receive a notebook with the design Muñeliz Meditation as a gift.

In the province of Cordova, Spain.
0 personas han apoyado
Silver Sponsor, 125 €
The reward includes:

-Announcement of your sponsorship on social networks.

-Your company logo on a banner on the website of the campaign and on the official website muñelices.com.

-Guest of honor seat at the launch party.

Walk-pack (backpack fabric + cloth shoes).

A print of Muñeliz Juggler or Meditation (to choose).
0 personas han apoyado
Gold Sponsor, 250 €
The reward includes:

- A group workshop (12 people) 1 day at your workplace (Travel costs may be incurred outside of Cordova, Spain).

Announcement of your sponsorship on social networks.

-Banner with your company logo on the website of the project.

-Guest of honor seat at the launch party.

-Meditation Pack (blanket + pillow + T).

Muñeliz prints both Juggler and Meditation.
4 personas han apoyado