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Rebuilding Peace

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Loogic engloba:

What is "Rebuilding Peace"? Learn about the project!

Rebuilding Peace is a joint project between Acción en Red (Madrid), Pau Sempre (Barcelona) and the Jordan Valley Solidarity Movement (West Bank, Palestine), which aims to:

  • Support the Palestinian resistance, focusing on the frontal opposition to the demolition of homes by the Israeli army and contributing to the rebuilding of houses of Palestinian civil society, in particular in the area of the Jordan Valley.

  • The acquisition of a machine producing adobe bricks, which will facilitate the task of rebuilding and building a house in the Jordan Valley, promoting the participation of citizens and civil society organization.

  • To combat the violation of housing rights of the Palestinian population in the Jordan Valley as a fundamental human right which the State of Israel maintains the occupation despite the declarations of the UN.

  • To raise awareness among the citizens of Catalonia, Spain and Europe on the situation of human rights in the context of the illegal Israeli occupation in Palestine.

  • The houses, built in the Jordan Valley, will have decent living conditions and are intended for families affected by the demolitions and are in a particularly vulnerable situation.

  • To raise awareness regarding the BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) launched from Palestinian civil society in 2005 and supporting the local BDS campaign, BDS Catalonia.

For two weeks, the members of the brigade will learn about the reality in Palestine and Israel, meeting Palestinian and antiozionist Israeli organizations who are working to end the human rights violations of the Palestinian population and the Israeli occupation. For five days in the Jordan Valley, the village of Al Jiftlik we will work closely with the beneficiaries, rebuiling small sustainable houses under the supervision of experienced people in construction work.


Why should you collaborate with this project?

The current situation in the Palestinian territories due to the Israeli occupation and its consequences, particularly focused on the illegal colonization of the land and the demolition of Palestinian homes (for punitive, administrative or military reasons) by order of the Israeli authorities is a huge problem in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley since 1967, and far from diminishing, continues in full force and upward.

Obtaining building permits from the Israeli administration is virtually impossible by Palestinian families living in neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem and Area C (under Israeli military and civil control) in the West Bank. The administrative obstacles for obtaining these permits are countless causes and often the process is extended indefinitely. 

Many Palestinians are therefore forced to build illegally (under Israeli law) and then face the possibility of demolition. That is why an activity that combines the rebuilding of Palestinian families houses and international training on human rights, conflict resolution and peace building, it is necessary both for the people to be involved on the ground and the task of educational development which you can be done with the people of Barcelona.



5€ Mention in the travel blog

10€ Mention + Magnet

15€ Book "Mirada Palestina" + Mention 

20€ Book "Mirada Palestina" + Mention + Magnet

25€ Exclusive T-shirt + Mention + Magnet

50€ Sweatshirt + "Mirada Palestina" + Magnet + Mention

100€ Sweatshirt + Exclusive T-shirt + "Mirada Palestina" + Magnet + Mention


















































For more information:

Blog: http://pauaraisempre.blogspot.com.es

Email: pausempre@gmail.com  pausemprecrowdfunding@gmail.com


Pau Sempre

location Barcelona, España
Pau Sempre és una associació catalana que treballa la cultura per la pau amb projectes de cooperació i sensibilizació en zones que pateixen conflictes armats, majoritàriament a Palestina i l'Afganistan. Pau Sempre es una asociación catalana que trabaja la cultura para la paz con proyectos de cooperación y sensibilización en zonas que sufren conflictos armados, mayoritariamente en Palestina y en Afganistán.
Escoge tu recompensa
Your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
5 personas han apoyado
Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
4 personas han apoyado
Book "Mirada Palestina" + Mention
The donor will receive the book "Mirada Palestina" a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combined with photography and stories. Also, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
2 personas han apoyado
Book "Mirada Palestina" + Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive the book "Mirada Palestina" a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combined with photography and stories. Also, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
7 personas han apoyado
Exclusive T-shirt + Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt, with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, and a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude. The models of t-shirts are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery
30 personas han apoyado
Sweatshirt+"Mirada Palestina"+Magnet+Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt, with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and the book "Mirada Palestina", a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combining photography and stories. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude. The models of sweatshirt are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery.
16 personas han apoyado
T-shirt +sweatshirt+book+Magnet+ Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt and a sweatshirt (hoodie), with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and the book "Mirada Palestina", a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combining photography and stories. In addition, in the blog of the trip will appear the name of the patron as a sign of gratitude. The models of t-shirts and sweatshirt are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery
13 personas han apoyado