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Rebuilding Peace

Apoyos al proyecto

En ocasiones, los mecenas apoyan con una cuantía económica que supera el valor de la recompensa escogida. No obstante, la cantidad que mostramos a continuación siempre corresponderá con el valor de la recompensa.

ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
Nube Roja
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 100€
Antonia Martinez Cayuela
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 100€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 100€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 100€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 20€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
La Lídia
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
Felipe Romo
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 5€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
Alys Amisa
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
Rita Gimenez
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 10€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 20€
Kate Falcão
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
Alys Amisa
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 50€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 15€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 25€
ha apoyado el proyecto eligiendo la recompensa 100€
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Escoge tu recompensa
Your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
5 personas han apoyado
Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
4 personas han apoyado
Book "Mirada Palestina" + Mention
The donor will receive the book "Mirada Palestina" a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combined with photography and stories. Also, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
2 personas han apoyado
Book "Mirada Palestina" + Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive the book "Mirada Palestina" a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combined with photography and stories. Also, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude.
7 personas han apoyado
Exclusive T-shirt + Magnet + Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt, with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, and a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude. The models of t-shirts are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery
30 personas han apoyado
Sweatshirt+"Mirada Palestina"+Magnet+Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt, with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and the book "Mirada Palestina", a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combining photography and stories. In addition, your name will appear in our blog as a sign of gratitude. The models of sweatshirt are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery.
16 personas han apoyado
T-shirt +sweatshirt+book+Magnet+ Mention
The donor will receive an exclusive T-shirt and a sweatshirt (hoodie), with a design in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, a fridge magnet with the Palestinian flag as a souvenir and the book "Mirada Palestina", a project that details the daily life situation in the Occupied Territories: the problem of demolishing Palestinian homes by the Israeli state and the wall built by Israel to divide the land, combining photography and stories. In addition, in the blog of the trip will appear the name of the patron as a sign of gratitude. The models of t-shirts and sweatshirt are limited and subject to availability at the time of delivery. To see the different models visit photo gallery
13 personas han apoyado