Hello, my name is Fran Martínez, Maths teacher and lover of new technologies applied to teaching.
I started this project 4 years ago with "Virgin Galactic", an USA company of Richard Branson's "Virgin Group", whose aim is to be the first company to take tourists to space in their Spaceshiptwo aircraft, where 800 people are already targeted and waiting to have the opportunity to fly into space, and to enjoy of the sensation of "zero gravity".
My students and I have participated in the project all these years through hangouts (in english and spanish) with different "future astronauts" with questions about the future space travels, because it is a company very involved in the education of students, which according to them are the future passengers of the project
In February we received a formal invitation from "Jonathan Firth" executive vicepresident of the company to visit through a "Virtual Tour" its "Spaceport America" ??facility in New Mexico where suborbital launches are being tested in space as well as different tests with the space airplanes and we will retransmit the event online.
So we need a financial aid to pay the trip to the USA that would become a virtual trip in "streaming"and uploading them to our educational web platform where different virtual trips have already been posted called "Connecting teachers and students" in Google Plus
So our itinerary would be the following:
Seville-California-New Mexico-Seville
So it will be good to get a greater academic formation of the students in the different areas and educational competences that will help them in their academic and personal formation, promoting the civic and moral value, relationships with other students, motivation and responsibility in the studies and lessons learned.
After the trip we will make an evaluation in the classroom with the students, through a kind of work by projects studying the experience from an interdisciplinary approach, making reports and works that will be exposed in class.
In addition we will elaborate a documentary film with content of the materials worked as well as of the contracted experience in the travel, as well as a a publication of a programation of Maths to children 12-13 years.