Objective: Introduce other cultures and raise funds to boost two social initiatives. Initiative: It started from a dream, traveling around South America by bicycle. This adventure began in November 2014 in Usuhaia (Argentina) and ended in December 2015 in Quito (Ecuador). Without an initial target goal, the intention of the trip was to let oneself go by places, people and initiatives that guided the cycling travel. Not counting the kilometers, only moments. Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and finally Spain have been the countries my bike took me to. The intention of crowdfunding is to raise funds for social initiatives that I have found in my life and that are committed to the empowerment of people. It is not intended to use the amount collected to support by the mere fact of giving (usually economic elements), ignoring the human being and the environment, without trying to help change the personal and environmental situation of the people. Since that involves the risk of holding hte other on the role of the weaker, making inable and losing the creative capacity and diversity in the world.